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Donate Your Archival or Material Culture To Us

The Army Museum Halifax Citadel accepts limited donations of Nova Soctian military history of archival and material type. All artefacts donated are cared for to the highest museum standards. Please enquire with our Collections Manager here.
If the value of the donation is deemed to be more than $25 we will issue a receipt. Please note this may take several weeks.
We ask that you make an appointment before bringing items to the museum. This is to ensure the proper staff members are available to meet and talk with you.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept every donation. Many factors are considered when deciding if we can accept an archival item or object. These considerations include: if we already have that item in the collection, does it fit with our mandate, do we have the space and funds to adequately care for the item, and what is the provenance of the item.
We will try our best to make reccommendations of other institutions that may be able to help with your donation.
A donation does not guarantte that an item will go on display and we do not accept items for donation that have conditions attached. Objects and archival items are regularily rotated through the museum according to best museum practices but only a tiny percentage of our collection is on display at any given time.
Our collection is readily available to museum staff for reseach and education purposes.
We kindly ask that you make an appointment before coming to the museum to see your donation. We will try our best to accomodate your request but we may need time to retrieve them from storage.
After a donation is complete and all paperwork has filled been out the items become property of the museum and cannot be returned. Please feel free to ask us about this.
As a community museum we rely heavily on monetary donations because we often operate with limited budgets and resources. These funds are crucial for maintaining and preserving collections, developing educational programs, and hosting events that engage and inform the public. Unlike larger institutions, we do not have extensive revenue streams from ticket sales or gift shops, making donations essential for our sustainability. Donations also allow us to continue our mission of preserving Nova Scotia’s military history, ensuring that the unique stories and heritage of our community are accessible to future generations.
You can help by donating at PayPal, Canada Helps,
e-transfer to armymuseum@ns.aliantzinc.ca
or cheque to: P.O. Box 9080 Station A Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3K 5M7

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Our Sponsors
Government Partners
Government of Canada, Department Canadian Heritage
Government of Canada, Veterans Affairs Canada
Parks Canada / Halifax Citadel National Historic Site
Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Communities, Culture, & Heritage
Halifax Regional Municipality
Corporate Donors